As a dynamic force for social change the Somer Valley Education Trust CIO is the vision of its founder Dom Chambers. Since 2008 Dom has been driving a contemporary media agenda, which benefits individuals, through building skills, and society by reducing the state burden and helping people become contributing and fulfilled citizens. The trust was conceived to build the capacity of these outcomes locally, regionally and ultimately across the UK.

Dom has been running award-winning community broadcaster Somer Valley FM, in Somerset, since it launched in 2008. He has substantial experience in media training, employability skills, volunteer coordination, social enterprise and non-profit media.

A radio professional of 25 years, he has developed a strong passion for media with educational purposes. Formerly a chair of the Community Media Association his extensive understanding of the UK community broadcast sector bridges grass roots knowledge with national strategic vision. Dom is a national advocate of the social benefits of communication and media training in building transferable skills that open life opportunities for beneficiaries.

Dom is on the boards of the Radio Academy, the Community Media Association and presents the inRadio podcast for Radio Today which reveals the social value of local radio in the UK. In 2019 he launched the Local Radio Alliance which explores how local radio can be used for public good. Through this he is also advocating for greater collaboration between the community and BBC local radio sectors, again for public benefit.

“Being the CEO of this exciting charity, which is still in its infancy, is a dream come true. The vision is in place and the team have a strong sense of mission. I love those big conversations with the big decision makers and drawing them into the big plan.

“Ultimately what all this is about is people and the impact of inclusion in what we do. Nothing is more important than seeing a young person with autism land a good job, seeing the teenager with an eating disorder find a fulfilling life and an ex-offender progress their way into employment. These are the stories, and hundreds like them, that drive me forward.”

Maggie Harding

Maggie Harding is one of our principal trainers for the METS programme. She leads on the Empowering Female Voices, After School’s Training and Somer Valley Star Maker projects.

From a background specialising in educational needs, Maggie comes to The Trust with a well-respected track record as a teaching professional with over 20 years’ experience. She has worked with adults and children teaching a broad range of subjects from functional skills to drama.

Maggie’s love of radio blossomed whilst at Winchester University and she says, “I’m really enjoying my work at Somer Valley and being part of something that is growing in reach and impact. It’s a fabulous opportunity to combine my love of radio and teaching.”

Clive ‘Flash’ Gordon

Clive ‘Flash’ Gordon is our lead trainer and mentor for the Street to Studio project.

A popular local musician and DJ Clive Gordon – inevitably known by everyone as ‘Flash’ – has worked with young people as a trainer and mentor since 2005. Flash’s work was inspired by his own childhood when he really wanted to learn to play music but his family couldn’t afford to pay for lessons. He sees now what an advantage accessing music training would have been to him and wants others to reap those benefits now.

Flash tells us, “what excites me about Street to Studio is that people can actually come in off the street to this safe place and learn how to make music. Sometimes they have no experience at all but then you see them, and encourage them, to make a product out of it. They don’t need money to make this happen. Just a willingness to learn.”

Flash’s skill set and approach has a great record of making a significant difference to the lives of young people with less opportunities.

Sue Roberts

Sue Roberts has a central role at Somer Valley Education Trust working on funding and administration. She is key to managing projects and supports relationships with funders, project partners and other stakeholders.

Sue has run her own business, worked in office management and as a PA. She has a passion for creative arts, is a writer and has her own successful Martial Arts podcast.

Sue loves empowering people to choose their own futures and living lives that they enjoy. She has volunteered at Somer Valley FM for over 10 years where she creates shows that celebrate the spoken. Sue says, “I can truly see the value in the work that we do at the Trust. I know personally how life changing it can be to develop media skills.”